About NeurOptimal® Neurofeedback

I think it's safe to say that no one has escaped the stress of the past four years, and for many, it has been downright traumatic. After experiencing high anxiety and instability on nearly a daily basis, I found myself burned out and very depressed. A year of talk therapy didn't change much, and I began to question whether I would ever get better; I was resigned to the idea that I may never feel like myself again. I wasn't willing to take drugs, but frankly, for the first time in my life, I didn't know what to do. I was given the chance to try NeurOptimal® and after the first session, I felt a shift in my ability to focus and organize; I no longer felt overwhelmed. After 22 sessions, I woke up one morning and I wasn't depressed anymore, and my energy level was through the roof! I was so impressed with the results, I decided I had to add NeurOptimal® to my practice.

What is NeurOptimal®?

The FDA has classified it as a wellness rather than a medical device. This means that, unlike traditional linear neurofeedback, it does not diagnose or treat specific conditions, and has no known side effects. Linear neurofeedback works by boosting or suppressing specific brainwaves to treat addiction, depression, anxiety, ADHD, PTSD and other conditions, based on a model of a “normal” brain. NeurOptimal® on the other hand, was designed by Drs. Valdeane and Susan Brown, clinical psychologists who believed that the brain could regulate itself through non-invasive feedback. After working with traditional neurofeedback for over 20 years, they spent many years researching and developing NeurOptimal® based on the non-medical wellness model.

How it Works

While a person listens to music, NeurOptimal® monitors brain activity for persistent electrical patterns, which indicate a lack of flexibility and resilience in the Central Nervous System. Such neurological "ruts"can lead to many types of symptoms cognitively, emotionally, and physically. When the device detects these patterns, it gives feedback by briefly interrupting the music, prompting the brain to reorient itself. With repeated NeurOptimal® sessions, the brain establishes new neural pathways, normalizing and optimizing brain function and adaptability. 

  • Each session is 33 minutes
  • Results may be noticed in as few as 6 sessions
  • Typically 20-40 training sessions are required for the brain to establish a new normal, ideally starting with 2 sessions per week and tapering off to once a week or every other week

Once the brain establishes a new normal, the results are permanent, although many people find refresher sessions to be helpful during extra stressful periods of life. By optimizing brain function, NeurOptimal® enhances or restores the nervous system's flexibility and resilience, which positively impacts quality of life. It addresses many of the same symptoms of dysregulation as linear neurofeedback, but using a wellness approach. NeurOptimal®  is 100% non-invasive with no known side effects.


Brain training with Neuroptimal® provides benefits in two general areas:

1) Cognitive/Emotional

  • Increases focus, attention and memory
  • Regulates mental function and emotions
  • Improves mood, attitude, self-awarenes
  • Maximizes performance at work, school and the arts

2) Physical

  • Maximizes performance in athletics and other physical activities
  • Regulates systems related to circulation, digestion and metabolism, immunity, nerves, hormones, sleep, reproduction and more
  • Speeds recovery

To Schedule an Appointment

My husband Dave is joining me in my practice to run NeurOptimal® sessions at my office in Lakewood. We are so excited to be offering this new modality to so many people who are suffering from the effects of central nervous system dysregulation. If you or someone you know is struggling, please call Dave to schedule an appointment at (720) 819-5395 or email him at dave@somatamassage.com.

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